holiday ideas (kids)

I am enjoying fall so much this year, that I feel a little guilty getting started on holiday shopping already.  BUT, whenever I put it off, all the things Ive noted are gone by the time I feel ‘ready.’  So, here are some of my favorites for the kiddos this year.  I especially love finding fun/unusual stocking stuffers, the stocking really is my favorite bit.


1.  snow globe ring MOMA  2.  the most addorable baby animal portraits EVER, Sharon Montrose  3.  mechanical paper animals oh my cavalier  4.  mechanical music box kit reform school  5.  flying bat mobile velocity home

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3 Responses to holiday ideas (kids)

  1. cara 2009, November 13 at 1:58 pm #

    love those baby animal prints! my heart nearly melted while looking at her etsy!

  2. Esti 2009, November 14 at 3:16 am #

    That ring goes straight to my wishlist; those mechanical animals too.

  3. Lisa 2009, November 14 at 11:42 am #

    cara- i know-who knew a baby porcupine was so cute!