Working on. Listening to.

I thought I’d start sharing on a regular basis what I am working on and what I am listening to while doing so.  I recently realized it’s when I’m listening to new music that I tend to be the most charged to make new work.  Makes sense I suppose.

So this week, I’ve been working on this very large painting (which incidentally started out as a floodline piece)


while listening to Daughter

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Boys Will Be Boys


I have a show opening today in Beacon, NY at Blackbird Attic.  If you are in the area, stop by! Prints of these new paintings will be making their way to my etsy shop soon.

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this wallpaper by Abigail Edwards.  I know it’s wallpaper but I use it as wrapping paper (especially adorable for a little one, I think).



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some new work off to a show



I just sent this group of little paintings and several framed prints off for an upcoming show.  This weekend was crazy busy, with several fun projects that had deadlines coming up, but I’m almost done!  Hope your week is off to a good start.

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so about that…

So giving myself a deadline provided the nice kick I needed, but a couple projects have quickly come up.  So…I have to delay a week (sorry).  In the meantime, a few things around here…


a full moon rising the night we went to see the swifts…


the hard to capture swifts (though I’ve decided the people watching has come to outweigh the swift watching;)


my daughter has been collecting chestnuts on her walk home and drawing faces on them, so cute right?  The collection has grown significantly since I took this photo.

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Happy Friday!


This weekend looks to be a busy but good one.  I plan on doing some painting, then a little painting, followed by some painting.  Oh, and an evening out at my very favorite Portland tradition.  Should be perfect weather.  The photo above is a bit of randomness I saw this morning in our neighborhood that I rather enjoyed.  Have a great weekend!

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on motivating, making and enjoying


Sometimes I have to remind myself this when I’m dragging my feet to get down to my studio.  As silly as it sounds/is some days the hardest part is walking down the stairs and just STARTING.  After that, it comes together.  Maybe I should keep my coffee maker down there, that would do the trick!  How do you motivate yourself?

image here

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shop update!


I decided to set a date for my shop updates (I needed a deadline to give me a push).  So, Monday, October 1st I will be putting new work, originals and prints, in my etsy and floodline shops!  As it gets closer, I will post some of the pieces.

Hope you’re having a great start to your week!

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pop up shop


If your are in Portland and are looking for something amazing to do this weekend, I recommend the xoxo festival.  It  ‘includes a (sold-out) conference with truly impressive speakers, an indie arcade, film screenings, fabulous local food carts and beer/coffee tastings, live music, and a 3-day market with a tightly-curated list of the best of Portland’s arts and tech scenes, sharing and selling their work.’

My prints will be available at Summer Allen’s (aka Design is Mine)  pop up shop along with some other incredible artist’s work.  The market/main event is located in the Yale Union building at 800 southeast 10th avenue.

more info here

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catch up

August (well really summer in its entirety) got away from me.  Now kids are back in school, John is home from work travel and I am feeling so ready to be back on track.

Some things I’ve been up to recently:


this street art made me smile


loving everything in Emerson Fry’s fall collection


getting ready to do a HUGE update in my etsy and floodline shops…


which includes several very large pieces…


still working on organizing Italy photos and making a book (I took over 600 on my iphone alone, eek!)

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