on etsy home page

for the first time (that I know of) yesterday.  Kinda fun to click and see yourself there!

There’s my little fawn pendant and mini print…


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here comes the sun…

I see a weekend of soccer games, yard work and sun in my forecast!  Also, I will be making some exciting additions to my website.  Stay tuned…happy weekend!


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today i am…

one year older.  The kids brought me breakfast in bed (carrot sticks and crackers with peanut butter).  No big plans, but maybe this weekend we will head out for something sweet.  These are looking pretty good…


(via cupcake mama)


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won’t you join me…

in my imaginary studio.  Here are some pictures of some lovely places and items that would be wonderful for a studio.  Soon, hopefully, I will share a few pics of my space.  It is a work in progress…


a nice light…


a little trolley for keeping supplies close at hand… (available at bailey’s  via housemartin)


lovely little work space…(via habitually chic)

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decor, inspiration

How cool is this?

I saw this the other day browsing through the Babyology website.  Wow, not your average playhouse!  I made the mistake, amist my enthusiasm, to show to the kids.  They now believe we are going to be constructing this in our yard this summer….


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views from our mantel

I have been playing around with the objects on our mantel, finding toys and every day objects and creating little tableaus.  Here are a few:


 ‘what, this nut?’



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spring cleaning and collections

We are attempting a ‘spring cleaning day’ around these parts.  Here are a few peeks around a couple collections I came across in their rooms (the dinosaurs were actually in Holly’s room, she had arranged them by size)



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decor, everyday

It is spring, right?

We woke up to snow this morning.  Very strange, indeed.  It would have been lovely in January, February even, but the end of March.  As we left the house this morning, Ian looked down and asked, “is this real snow?”  Yep…..

I put some new prints in the shop this week and will be adding more next week.  I’ve been in this really amazing work mode lately, I keep waiting for it to fall out from underneath me.  My dad gave me this giant canvas, something like 6′ by 3′ that he doesn’t need.  It is beautful and I can’t wait to dig in.

 Here are some upcoming and current prints:





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art, etsy

drawing from the past

I started a new series of paintings that draw from old family photos.  I’ve been thinking more and more about the passage of time.  I think I wasn’t fully aware at how fast time passes until I had kids. Then you SEE it.  Documenting those firsts, marking their growth on the wall… Anyway here is one of the paintings I recently finished along with another vintage children’s book page print.  I will be adding these and several more to the shop this week.



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spring colors

Yesterday the kids enjoyed the official eating of the chocolate bunny.   And I don’t know if it’s because of the change in season, but I noticed all my latest paintings looked very springish all lined up.



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Well, I did it!  I painted the living and dining violet, purple, whatever you want to call it, and I LOVE it!  It feels so fresh, and happy in here. 


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We went to see this last night



By far my favorite cirque show I’ve seen.   My favorite part, though, was looking over at the kids’ open mouthed wonder.  Really fun, and full of inspiration.

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creating, everyday, inspiration