picture break

In college I had a photography professor who said that he liked to paint in the midst of working on his photography because it rewarded him with instant results.  Ironically, I now find myself doing the exact opposite.  I have my hand in several exciting projects right now, painting, and I have been turning to photography for an instant gradification break now and then.


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art, creating

the perfect gift

for my kids, anyhow, is a fresh pack of tape and some old cardboard.  So when I saw this yummy tape (did you know tape could be yummy?) I knew it would be a perfect little gift for my daughter’s upcoming b-day. 


thank you to simplesong for the amazing tip (image via simplesong)  It is availabe at DWR.

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everyday, stuff to have

shiny new toy

Did you know they make Polaroid attachments for holgas?  They do!  I just got mine and after nearly 2 packs of film and several expletives I finally figured the darn thing out (ummm…i needed more light)   It’s so funny to see the kids reaction to polaroid.  To them it’s like magic, ‘it makes the picture right away!’  We are really, really bad about getting all of our digital pictures printed (I mean, really, really bad)  So for them to get a ‘real’ picture on paper, and right away, stand back.  To bad the film is so darn expensive.


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creating, everyday

cozy day

We got a bit of snow today (more than expected), but luckily the kids were already off to school by the time it really hit.  Snow is enough of a novelty here, that school is cancelled at the drop of a snowflake.  So, I am happily working away and enjoying the view.  I am finishing up some orders and working on a couple exciting projects I will share soon!  Oh and lots, lots of new work that will be available as prints very soon.


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art, creating, everyday


Did you see this amazing keepsake created by the small object?  Truly, my head is spinning with possibilities!



(via oh happy day)

oh, and a side note, I have had an avalanche of spam comments today, so if I accidentally deleted your very much appreciated comments, so very sorry (i started to get a happy click finger)

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creating, inspiration

my name is Lisa

and I have an addiction to chalkboard paint.  There I said it!  I can’t stop myself.  I just painted our powder room with the stuff.  Fun, no?


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decor, everyday

which came first

So a couple of weeks ago I got a haircut, a much needed haircut.  Then this morning we went and got my daughter’s hair cut.  When we came home, I realized we now have almost identical cuts…


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foggy walks

We’ve been having wonderfully foggy mornings followed by sunny afternoons.  Really beautiful, perfect for looking for frost dragons and making fairy houses (or so I’m told).


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building a bridge

I volunteered to work on my daughter’s class auction project.  If you have school aged children you know what this is.  To raise money each class creates something to be auctioned off.  I actually really enjoy doing it and thinking of something that has not been done.   So, I think we’ve settled on creating a photo transfer of one of the Portland bridges.  It will actually be made up of many, many small transfers that will be framed together to create the image of the bridge.  It should be a really cool piece.  Here is a little peek at my test squares.  I am using wintergreen oil for these transfers so my house has a nice minty freshness!  I will post the finished piece when it’s done.


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art, creating

paint chips

I always grab extra paint chips when we go to the paint store and stick them up on my inspiration board over my desk.  It’s an easy way to see color combos, plus I just like the way they look pinned up there.  When I saw this I realized I could take it to a whole new level.   I may  be taking a few trips to the paint store soon…


(thanks to oh happy day for tipping me off to this slide show)

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creating, inspiration

returning routine

The kids are back in school and I’m working my way back into my days.  With the holiday rush over I am itching to get going on some new pieces.  Here’s a peek at a painting I started on. 


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art, creating