school shopping

School feels like it’s coming fast.  I used to love, love buying new school supplies.  I mean LOVE.   I am such a sucker for a good grown-up schoolish product, here are some of my favorite.bookcityjackets.jpg         book city jacketsil_430xn84478191.jpg        lemon tree for pencils and alphabet rolling stamp

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etsy, everyday, i want

pieces making up the whole

I helped myself to generous quantities of paint chips this weekend and had some fun.  You might remember me mentioning this amazing portrait a while back and I finally sat down to give it a go.  It was SO much fun and I’m really happy with how it turned out.  Now I need to do one of my daughter…paperportrait.jpgpaperportraitdetail.JPG

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art, creating, inspiration

coming soon…

I will be adding some new prints (and originals!) to my etsy store next week!  These paintings were created as part of a fun project I have been working on for small magazine.  Can’ wait to share!


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art, creating

day at the beach

We took a quick trip to the beach this weekend,  just long enough to enjoy the cooler temperatures and get sand on and in everything we brought with us.beachblog2.jpg

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everyday, inspiration


Another print just added, ‘Once.’  If you are in the Portland area, the original paintings of these new pieces, as well as a few others, are now available at Noun.  I am so excited to be showing there!  They carry an amazing selection of really, really great stuff and as a bonus St. Cupcake resides in the back!onelasttimeblog.jpg

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art, etsy

and you thought we used them for rain here…

It is hot, HOT here today.  Most people here in Portland do not have air conditioning, so you have to get creative.  I woke up to this interesting display on our house (J was up at the crack of dawn ‘shading’ the house, yes those are umbrellas).img_4115.jpgimg_4112.jpg

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fun summer read

I was initially drawn to it by the cover photo as I am such a sucker for a book cover.  In college I worked at stock photo agency and a lot of the images we pulled were for book covers.  Anyhow, it was a fun peek into the art world, and a nice easy summer read.515saurw1bl_sl500_aa240_.jpg

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art, everyday


My son just brought home this wonderful treasure from the pool.  I hope the rest of the weekend is this beautiful.dragonfly.jpg

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So just to keep things interesting, as one can never have to much to do, I started a little home project the other night.  I was never completely happy with the wood boxes we use as drawers (seen here).  I had previously covered them in wallpaper.  I took that off and have started covering them in cut out fabric (actually linen book cloth).  So far I really like the look.stencil21.jpgstencil.jpg

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creating, decor, everyday

sweet treat

 We treated ourselves to some yummy waffles from the waffle window this morning (if you’re in Portland it’s at Hawthorne and 37th).   Tomorrow we’re treating ourselves to Harry Potter, can’t wait!


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