beautiful mornings

I love it when my day starts with this…



I live in the city so horseback riding days also mean beautiful view days.  It can’t not be a great day when it starts like this!

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welcome november

This image seemed a beautiful way to start the week.


(via charley star)

my to do list for the day:



paint the bathroom (ya right i already know that’s not going to happen!)


start new painting

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happy weekend!

I don’t exactly have a plan for these yet, but they were too beautiful to pass up.  In the meantime, have a lovely weekend!


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good mail day

Love good mail days!  Today was this sweetly packaged pile of interesting scraps of paper from lovely design.  True to the name, they are lovely.  Some of these will be for my own personal use, some will be used in a super fun project I’m working on for a certain local film maker.


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creating, everyday

new portraits!

I have had many requests recently to do portraits similar to the pieces in my etsy shop.  So I decided to do just that!  If you’re interested, go take a peek at my website for more ordering info.  Each painting is based on a submitted photo, is done in acrylic on canvas and mounted to a beautiful bamboo panel.  Right now I am offering them in two sizes, 12″x12″ and 12″x18″.  These would make amazing holiday gifts (in fact the one of the three little girls below is just that for my brother and sister-law, ssshhh!).  They do need several weeks to complete, so please order asap.


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art, creating, stuff to give, stuff to have

working weekend

I have a full plate this weekend, lots of things to finish up before heading out of town for a few days.  (grown-ups only road trip, woohoo!)  There are two new projects I’m working on, one I can share soon, the other I am geekily thrilled by that probably won’t see the light of day for at least a year.  I need to ask, as I hate not sharing and I’m horrible at keeping secrets.  Anyway, hope you have a wonderful weekend!  The weather here is perfect for the productivity and testing out my new fallish colored tape (think rain, rain, and little rain for good measure).


tape available here

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fall beauty

We made our annual pumpkin patch trip this past weekend.  I am loving the nice fall temps and colors. I am a home body so I love any excuse to light a few candles and the fireplace.  I have been working away on portraits and getting something new ready for launch on my website this weekend!  So, I’m trying to stay healthy and well caffeinated.



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apple season

We went down to an apple/pear tasting today and it felt so good to get out as a healthy (non sickie) family.  Caramel apples and streusel were had, though nothing compared to my grandmothers.  Having a German grandmother who was an amazing cook sorta spoils any other German food for life.


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king of the mountain

Do you remember this post showing a painting I had just started?  Well here it is done!  It changed quite a lot and I had to fight with it a bit, but those are the ones I usually end up liking the most.  It will be available soon.


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art, creating, everyday

window shopping

I have a very sick kid at home (day 4 with super high temp=no fun, poor kid).  So while we watch every Harry Potter movie (again, again and again) I have been sitting here finding all sorts of stuff I now want.   The list includes:


adorable dress via lamixx (i will be wearing this a lot this fall with jeans/tights)


these books have been making there way around the web, I want them ALL!


and was so excited to see this now available in the US, here.

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everyday, i want, stuff to have

and they were all yellow

Jan and Earl over at Poppytalk have a fun fall theme going on this week.  It is autumn color week over there, today is yellow.  Here is my contribution which also happens to be a new print in the shop!  I have a few new pieces that are going in this week (and for real this time, several originals!).


‘A Moment of Hesitation’

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