Here in America it is President’s Day so I thought a photo of George Washington was appropriate (so named by our daughter).
a bit o’ this
I have have been a bit of hit and miss lately, but next week I will be back to my daily routine. But first, a belated bday gift to my husband as we head up to the mountain! Have a great weekend!
photo via Caroline Hancox
a few things
I just got some new postcards back from the printer. Here is a shot of them on the kids’ little desk which apparently was the site of some post-valentines day snacking.
Also, Portlanders, tomorrow night I will be at this event, if you are interested in coming (pretty please!) just let me know and I would be happy to put you on the guest list!
happy happy weekend
Thank you for all the great support and advice for my current state of meh.
I am hoping to finish a bunch of projects and start some new work this weekend (after a lazy night in with a movie)!
Here are few pics of what we happened upon last night, an adult dodge ball league. (not to be confused with the adult hide and seek league of Portland as seen on Portlandia)
Maybe because it’s the end of winter, I don’t know, but lately I’ve been feeling meh. Of course having a sick kid last week and then subsequently catching said sick kids’ virus didn’t help, but it’s getting frustrating. Any great inspiration pick me ups out there? Since I don’t have a machine that I just turn on to put out paintings, I can either force my self to push through it and hope good work comes out the other side, or let myself feel through it (and hope customers are patient) until that energy and inspiration comes back. I usually do a bit of both as I tend to go through these cycles a couple times a year. I also know that the pendulum will swing back and new work will come, my passion will again get ignited and a ton of great stuff will come out of it. Until then, thoughts? Do you experience similar cycles in your life?
so true
This week has been one of those weeks. Between a sick kid and what feels like endless school tours I have not gotten nearly as much done as I would have liked. My daughter heads to middle school next year and I think we’ve toured more schools than I did when I was looking at college’s! So hopefully this weekend can make up for it and I can get super productive. Wish me luck!
Oh and happy weekend!
(image via frenchbydesign)
my view this morning
While it seems the rest of the country is still in the thick of winter we have been enjoying some beautiful blue skies. For me the smell of a hyacinth is the smell of spring, I can’t wait!
Hi all! I have a sick kiddo at home today so I’ll be keeping it brief. But, I wanted to share an event I will be taking part of in a few weeks here in Portland, RAW. It’s February 17th at the Cassanova Ballroom. It will feature a film screening, musical performance, fashion show, art gallery, performance art and a featured hairstylist and makeup artist. I’d love it if you could make it! Tickets are $10 and you can purchase them on the website under my profile here. It looks like it will be a fun night, I hope to see you there!
a find
I just wanted to share this beautiful shop I just discovered, Elk. Not only are their things beautiful, but the packaging is lovely. That always earns huge bonus points, and even though they are in Australia, their shipping is super fast!
(thanks Annie for introducing me to this beautiful store!)
pink horses for a pink world
I spent a little time last night working on some details for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party. I’ll give you one guess what we will be doing. I am now sort of obsessed with this image and can’t wait for a little time to explore it in a painting. I will no doubt share some bday photos after the big day!
big, bigger, best
Just popping in to let you know I added ‘Night Swim’ and ‘Blue Swimmer’ in the 13″x19″ size to my etsy shop!
Happy Monday!
We have a nice foggy morning going on here and I love it. The more fog the better, I say. I hope you’re having a great start to your week so far!
New Mini Prints in the shop
I finally got around to putting some more of my ‘mini’ prints in my etsy store. Now I’m off to do some more work and go for a ride, see you next week.
Have a great weekend!
Odd little man
I’m smitten with this lithograph of an odd little man I recently got on ebay.
I just wanted to let you know I had been having a problem getting comments to come through and thanks to my husband that is now fixed. So please, if you’d like, leave a comment. I love hearing from you!
had to share
This clip from Stephen Colbert had me dying. I hadn’t realized so many of my favorites were nominated for alternative band of the year. I’m torn between Vampire Weekend and Arcade Fire. I loved the ‘sellout off’ (do musicians even have control over how their music is used anymore?). When I was in nyc I noticed that the Tommy Hilfiger commercial was on heavy cab rotation and now whenever I hear Holiday, I feel like I should be in a cab.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
MeTunes – Grammy Vote – Dan Auerbach, Patrick Carney & Ezra Koenig<a> | |||| | ||||
I recently came across this drawing my son had done of a horse. I love it! I had planned on framing it up but then I got an idea. I wanted to see it large and BOLD, so I took a huge canvas I had and replicated his drawing in paint. I tried to stay true to his design and just add a little punch to the lines. I love how it came out, what do you think?
BTW, he was beyond thrilled
grey painting for a grey day
We’ve had a couple bitter cold days and a nice layer of ice this morning. Here’s a painting (my warm up for the day) and the view that inspired it.
I spy
I spotted one of my little ‘Boy With the Orange Bow Tie‘ postcards on Victoria’s peek into her home yesterday! Go here to see more drool worthy corners of her lovely home.