a peek

at another piece I hope to have completed soon.  I feel like a bit of a tease, but I want to have more completed before I share this new project.  (hopefully very soon!)


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on the job hazards


I hate to think how many times I’ve left the house with paint on my face.  This time, at least, I caught it before stepping out.

(I briefly contemplated adding a matching slash and the other side for effect)

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Spring has always been my favorite time of year and this year, after a particularly grey winter, more so than ever.  It’s like magic, my energy levels go up, my outlook brightens and I become more inspired to create.  I overheard a dad tell his daughter at drop off  (imagine with an english accent, because it becomes that much more charming) ‘she was quite sprightly for a Monday morning’.  That’s how I feel.  Happy Monday!

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hey there stranger

I’ve been MIA this week with the kids on spring break and all the fun juggling that comes with that (if I owe you an email, sorry, I will be getting back into my normal routine this weekend) .

Have a great weekend!   I really want to go to the hardware store, we have the best little old neighborhood one down the street, and get some rope to try these.


These were featured in Lonny magazine and are by Tanya Aguiniga 

Oh and don’t forget to go here to buy a raffle ticket for a chance at some AMAZING prizes with proceeds going to relief efforts in Japan!

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Hearts and Hands

I am honored to be part of an amazing fundraising effort to benefit Japan.

HEARTS + HANDS is a community effort organized by Lynn Russell of Satsuma Press. What has happened and is happening in Japan is heartbreaking – and we believe there are ways, both big and small, to help. This is what we are able to do – from the heart, made by our hands.

In 48 hours, fifty independent artists and studios have agreed to donate prizes for the raffle – and that list is still growing. Raffle tickets are for sale now here for $10 each.

100% of the proceeds from the HEARTS + HANDS raffle will be donated to relief efforts in Japan in the aftermath of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.

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art, everyday


If you know me well, you know that I was a huge (HUGE) U2 fan.  As in, I got out of college exams to fly to shows, met my husband at a show, etc. etc.  I think it’s a sure sign that I’m getting old (mature?) that I have no plans to go see their Seattle show in a few months.  I keep tossing around it might be a fun ‘first rock concert’ for the kids, but we’ll see.  Anyhow, I do plan on seeing this movie, can’t wait, in fact.

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this awesomeness via Cara.  Where was this in the 90′s when my husband’s band was trying to come with a band name?!  I could do this all day.  (ya, i took a little liberty/accidentally used more than the last four words, but you get the idea)


the first entry here is your band name.
the last four words of the
last quote here is your album title.
and the third picture here is your cover

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Friday random corners


I think this toy wrestler is waving at the sun (and begging it to stay a little longer)…


while I’m working…


and hurray to finally getting around to putting up curtains!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I’m looking forward to having no real plans aside from the usual (horse lessons for girl, basketball for boy, work for me) and spending a gift card at H&M (I’ve never been, can you believe it, gasp, I know!).

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women’s day

Because it’s women’s day, but really, because I just really love this man:)

and sorry for the size (i am technically challenged)

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weekend in pics

Yesterday we went down to the stables for my daughter’s birthday party.  I think all the girls (and my son) had a great time!


‘gold’ horses for each girl (yes, gold spray paint)


horse ribbons (the buttons in the center are vintage and then I attempted to make the ribbon)


pink horses topped the cake



and of course, the best part, riding!

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Friday random corners

I love peeks into others homes, so I thought I’d start documenting random corners of our home.


newspaper, magazines, kindle and under the sofa, one of those annoying digital pet things…


your average chest armor and my shoes…


on the wall…


and one boy with several very wiggly teeth

Have a wonderful weekend!

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right now

I am in a happy place (thank you hot bath, glass of wine and a stack of magazines)

looking forward to hanging my show at Tilde tomorrow

loving working on work (portraits and other commissions)

happy to say I’d still say ‘I do’  14! years later  (and jealous of all the great resources out there for brides these days.  I’d totally go for a dress by Elizabeth Dye if we were to do again)

living for my new project and sharing it with you (though a bit nervous as it is such a departure for me artistically.  here’s another peek!)


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Happy Monday!

I hope your Monday morning is treating you well!  I wanted to share a quick little project I did this weekend.  It started with of all things dragon wings for my daughter’s 5th grade play.  I bought some gold spray paint to use as a base and had some left over.  So, I took a cheap ikea plate (I think it was $2.99) and painted it.  Warning, gold spray paint is incredibly addictive.  I am now searching for something else to spray.  I also painted a dish a matte black and left one white.  I am going to use them as a jewelry catch for pieces I wear often.




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a few things for the weekend

So, I am happy to announce that I am officially out of my creative funk and back with a vengence!  I am working away on quite a few different things and excited about all of them.  I will have more to share soon, for now here are some of the things that are inspiring me right now:

 Pinterest, oh how I love thee.  A great place to go when you need a little happy boost.  Never fails.


Hex nut DIY bracelet

A little side project I have going!  More on this next week.


I’m sure you’ve seen the rainbow cakes that have been making the blog rounds.  Well, I found these for my daughter’s bday cake tonight, rainbow candles!


Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!

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birthday girl

My favorite girl has a birthday today.  I can honestly say she has the purest heart of anyone I have ever met, be kind to her world.  Here are a few of my favorite pics from when she was tiny (she will pass me in height someday soon and she can already borrow my clothes, crazy).




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‘snow day’

As in it snowed, the kids got the day off of school, the snow melted within hours, and here we are.


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change of scenery…

is a good thing.  We had a wonderful few days up on the mountain and now it looks like the snow might be following us back down into the valley.



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