It is June, right?
Friday random corners
Have a wonderful weekend! I am hoping to get a little work done in the yard this weekend, fingers crossed for some sun breaks!
beginning to end
Here are some pics I took of a recent painting from beginning to end. It is a HUGE painting (acrylic on paper) roughly 3ft by 5ft.
i see a trend emerging
The last few personal paintings I’ve completed have a common thread. I suppose it was only a matter of time before horses became a subject of my work….
For some reason, I find myself doing a lot of my painting on the floor recently. I’ve been doing some work on large paper and like being able to spread it out and see it all at once. Unfortunately, this also means our dining room has paints and brushes and all sorts of messy rags about. Ah well, such is life I suppose!
I hope you had a lovely weekend! We had quite a good one. The West Elm event went really well and then on Sunday my daughter had a horse show. I’m totally jealous of her little horse trophy!
Friday random corners
Here are a few random corners around here, happy weekend!
I will be here this Saturday, please stop by and say hi!
last few for now…
a few more
I should have the last few uploaded to share later today.
New pieces
I am excited to FINALLY be able to share some new paintings I’ve been working on. I will have prints of these (and a few other newbies) as well as some new little paintings this Saturday at West Elm.
love this
I spotted this on pinterest the other day and instantly decided this project was in my future. Lotta Jansdotter took some plain white tea cups and drew on them using porcelain pens. I see a summer activity in the future for the kids and I.
(photo via Lotta Jansdotter)
Somewhere back in the chaos of the last month we took a family vacation to Hawaii. These are a few of my favorite photos. I purchased a digital underwater camera this time instead of the disposable ones I usually use, mainly for the freedom to shoot a ton of photos. I love the results!
West Elm Event
I am thrilled to share that I will be participating in the We heart handmade event this Saturday at West Elm in NW Portland from 1to 6pm (west elm, 1201 NW Couch Street, corner of Couch and 12th Ave). A pop up event with etsy, there will be food, drinks, music, a photo booth and, of course some amazing vendors. I hope you can stop by!
rsvp here !
I’m back
Hi there, I’m back. The last month has gone by in a blur of plane rides, sad goodbyes and ended with a fun virus that made its way through the family (probably picked up on one of those plane rides).
I am anxious to get back into my daily routine and catch up on all my work. I have an event coming up this week that I will be back in a bit to share! Happy Monday!
I grabbed a handful of these blue bells from our yard yesterday, spring is in full bloom here.
Thank you for all the concern and kind words put my way recently. April was a rough month around here with health problems affecting both mine and my husband’s family. We had a vacation scheduled, that we decided to move forward with that also lent to my absence here. Then this past weekend my father in law passed away. We will again be out of town so it will quiet here until we return. It felt strange to be blogging with so many other things going on. For a while it seemed like every time I checked email I would hear about another tragedy that had struck someone I knew.
I am so hoping April showers will indeed bring May flowers.
radio silence
I have been pretty quiet here lately. Our family has had several hard events happen within the last week (you know what they say about bad things coming in threes). I will be back soon, just please be patient with me if you are waiting on an email, etc.
these photographs by Julian Wolkenstein, the perfect Wednesday pick me up.
found here
happy weekend
via bits of truth
I now have some paintings up at the incredibly lovely Tumbleweed on NE Alberta Ave!