
I am planning a little studio redo this fall.  Right now it has carpet.  Carpet and painting don’t live well together.  Case in point the huge red paint stain in the middle of the room (which my husband only recently came upon ;) .  So we will be putting in a new floor and while we have everything out, I am going to put a lot of thought into how it gets put back together.   Here are some images I’m using as inspiration. (Though what I’d really, really like are high ceilings with huge skylights, sigh)


I am painting most of the space white except for the interiors of two closets that are spaced just as in the first image.  The interiors are going to get a few coats of my very favorite paint, Farrow and Ball ‘off black‘.  The opposite wall in my studio I am also painting with ‘off black’.  I am also planning on white/grey floors and a long wood work surface in addition to the work table I already have.   So hopefully in a few months time I will have a much more efficient work space that is a bit softer on the eyes!

Images:  shiny squirrel, seen and said , anthro, aubrey road

notes on design

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summer 2011

We took our annual camping trip this past weekend.  Of course, my son was the one to end up falling into the freezing river,  but luckily was grabbed by my daughters quick hands.  As summer inches towards the close, I find myself swaying between the exhaustion of juggling kids and work, and rushes of inspiration, ideas and a love for what I do.





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Shadows and Tall Trees


If you know where that title comes from, you are either:

a.  atleast as old as I   and/or

b.  as big a geek as I

anyhow… plugging away on a million projects, trying not to let my head explode.  I hope your week is off to a good start!

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the days run away

Every summer goes faster than the last.  We’ve had a really nice one so far, but definitely at a break neck pace.  That’s what it feels like, anyhow.  Between family getaways, the kids’ summer camps, riding and working, I barely know what day it is.  Happily, even with how busy we’ve been, I think it has been one of the best.  I really want to finally share some pieces I did earlier in the summer and have them available for sale by the end of the weekend, that’s the goal anyway.  We’ll see how it goes!




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I first saw images of this on pinterest and was immediately intrigued.  These are posters are for a new single by the band Dry the River in collaboration with Xavier Barrade of FOAM.  So brilliant…


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Happy long weekend!

To those of you here in the states have a wonderfully long 4th of July weekend!

Thank you guys for your comments on the new paintings, it really makes my day to hear what you think!


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new pieces

Here are some paintings I’ve completed recently.  Prints to follow in my etsy store soon…







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summer so far

some of the things I’m loving about summer so far…


my peonies are finally in bloom


eating my favorite sandwich for lunch, every. single. day.


turning the chore of shaving our dog into entertainment for the whole family.  Here he is sporting his mowhawk (hard to photograph, but makes me laugh everytime I look at him).

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the midas touch

I used up the last of my gold spray paint the other day.  We had some vases that I just didn’t use, so I thought, why not?  Here’s the result.  Have an awesome weekend!




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Today I’m working, working, working to finish portrait orders!  Here are a few pics from our weekend.  Our boy celebrated his birthday (better late than never) with a Voodoo Doughnut birthday cake.  Yes, a giant two doughnut cake, yumm.




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What’s left behind





So I was recently cleaning my studio (something way, WAY past due) and was replacing my work table surface with fresh  canvas.  I cover my big work table where I due most of my painting with canvas so I can just make a mess and not worry about it.   I think the smudges and drips left behind from are quite pretty, so I took a couple of pieces and saved them.  One section got stretched onto a 10″x10″ wood frame and a smaller 4″x4″  section got framed.  I will be putting these up in my etsy shop later today if anyone is interested!


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art, creating, everyday