Archive | everyday

See you there!

So Little Winter is finally here,  I hope to see you there!  Oh and you are invited to the pre-little winter party at west elm tonight.  Here’s all the info for both events!

Little Winter: meet and greetHosted by West Elm
1201 NW Couch St  Portland, Or
Friday November 5 from 7pm-9pm



the art of display

I’ve been having fun planning all the little details for my little winter table.  I already had most of what I need, but I got this amazing bee hive string dispenser on etsy recently (here).  So, now I will be wrapping up paintings that are purchased with some brown paper and string!






creating, everyday

Music for your Monday

I had the wonderful pleasure of receiving an email from singer Ashley Toussant recently and I am now a fan of her work.  I love the internet, little connections that happen, introductions to art, music and people that would not have otherwise known.  Go check out her charming website that is nearly as charming as her music!


everyday, inspiration


My daughter is a master at the subtle Halloween costume.  So much so that often times it’s hard to know exactly what she is.  Take for instance the year she was a half fruit/half vampire bat.  I’m pretty sure she is the only kid that has ever been that.  This year she announced she wanted to be a ghoulish/scary owl, not your average cute owl.  So.  We made an owl costume and then, added three drops of blood.  Subtle, yes she is.


Have a fun Halloween (and happy bday to my mom who is a Halloween baby!)



this pine cone charcoal drawing my daughter brought home from art class.


art, everyday

happy friday!

I swear the weeks are spinning by so fast lately!  How did it get to be Friday again so quickly?  My day started out so nicely yesterday with coffee with the lovely Elsa May and this weekend I am looking forward to the staying in, getting some more painting done and watching the rain arrive.



perfect fall

I suppose I am a true Northwesterner as I love when the rain comes and I can turn on lamps, light candles and put a fire on.  The past few weeks we’ve been having a blue sky fall, which is quite nice also.  Hopefully it will hold out for a trip to go pumpkin picking this weekend.  (confession: I had pumpkin pie for breakfast, mmmm)  Anyhow, here are a few more wee paintings that have a very winter feel.  I’m off to go riding then some more painting.  Have a wonderful weekend!


art, creating, everyday

morning out my window

It was nice and foggy this morning when I walked the kids to school.  I love a good foggy morning!  These are some images of our front windows, I think they are so beautiful.




everyday, inspiration

Portland Fashion Week

I will be at an event for Portland Fashion week tomorrow showing some paintings! If you’re going to be there, please stop by and say hi!   It’s going to be a great mix of fashion, art and music.  The opening night features:

- Adam Andreas
- Idom
- R. A. W. by Rio Wrenn
- Dawn Sharp
- Laura Allcorn
- Sword & Fern
- Pinkham Millnery
- Filly

Artists: Jesse Reno, Isaac Bushkin, Michele Maule, Lisa Golightly

Bands: XOXO

for more info and tickets go here

art, everyday

today I’m

loving the patina of age and use on this easel that my dad gave me

feeling like bad mom of the year after absent mindedly giving my daughter a sunscreen stick (thinking it was a glue stick) for a homework assignment  (note that at a quick glance they look very similar and actually works for approx. 12 hours after which time everything starts peeling off)

blushing (thank you Victoria!)

looking forward to a mom’s night out tonight at a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try

painting, drawing and printing like a mad woman while listening to this book for my book club (just started it but already insanely fascinating)

how’s your day?


Happy Fall!

or as I like to refer to it, crazy squirrel season.  I will be so happy when I can go a day without trying to avoid a) a squirrel in crazy to bury as many nuts as he can mode, running in front of my car and then stopping  b)  one of his squirrel cousins that did that,  and is no more.  Anyhow, spring used to be my favorite season, but the last few years fall has been giving it a run for its money.  I saw these photos over at la porte rouge and they pretty much sum up what I would consider the perfect fall day.


Death by Toast

Toast, please stop.  You are killing me.  The clothes (yum) but also the little videos for each piece.




(thank you to Olivet for reminding me how amazing their stuff is)

everyday, i want

Chapman Swifts

We made our annual trip to see the Chapman swifts last night.  Always magical.  There was hardly anyone there, I’m assuming because of the threat of rain.  It was perfect viewing until the last few dropped in and the downpour started.  It actually made it more fun, we were all soaked to the bone and laughing.



everyday, inspiration

how did it become Wednesday so fast?

Portlanders, have you seen Portland Bingo?  Did you laugh as hard as I did?  Seriously clever and funny, so not surprising it was put together by artists Amy Ruppel and Bishop Lennon.  Some of my favorites are tall bike, bearded man, tiny horse and naked lady club (do you get to mark bonus points for a naked lady on a tall bike?).  Speaking of Amy Ruppel, the small wax drawing I purchased came and it is so delicate and quiet, I love it.





We had beautiful fallish weather here this weekend, perfect for the outdoor concert we went to on Saturday.  Ray kills me every time.

Ray LaMontagne

everyday, inspiration