Archive | etsy

Enchanting finds

Oh am I in love. Yes I love you too dear, but etsy is my new shopping love. It is so hard to find toys for boys sometimes that you love to give as much as he will love to play with. Well today I was so excited to find this.


I had a hard time deciding which one. I got it here. It is such a lovely charming shop! Happy shopping!


New Prints!

I added a couple new prints to my etsy shop today.  I think they are really sweet and simple and would be lovely in a little girls room.  They are part of a series I’m working on.  More on the way soon!

Special Delivery

art, etsy

Fun gifts

I got the kids the coolest thing for Christmas yesterday on etsy at Owly Shadow Puppets. I got Holly the owl and Ian a dinosaur (shhhh). I think they will have so much fun creating stories with the shadows these guys create. I am loving buying my gifts on etsy this year! I will keep posting all the cool things I find.




Starting on the right foot!

Well, I thought it was time. I love (LOVE) my daily sit down to catch up on all the great blogs out there and figured it’s about time to start one of my own.

I just opened my etsy shop and am very excited. I love my portrait work but it’s fun to just paint whenever an idea hits. Please take a look!

So, I’ll start this out on the right foot and make the pledge!

