Archive | art

back to work…

We are all caught up on sleep and laundry from our trip and digging back into summer.  I am working in our mud room to enjoy the sun, and keep an ear and eye on the kids.


Yesterday we were could not tear ourselves away from that amazing championship game at Wimbeldon!  Now wanting to sign the kids up for lessons, how easily influenced I am…

art, everyday


My parents are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow, so we will be celebrating with them on a weekend trip.  I made this for them from one of their wedding photos.


I hope they like it!

 Happy weekend!

art, everyday, inspiration

getting ready…

for our trips this summer I have begun hoarding things to keep the kids occupied.  One trip is a 3 hour drive each way, one a 6 hour plane ride.  So far I have books, a couple new dvds and this…


It is so great, not your average coloring book to be sure!

art, everyday

around the house

Today I thought I’d show a few pictures around our house of a work in progress and one done.  I just started on this large canvas and I’ve been working on it in the dining room.  Where I work is always changing, usually to do with if the kids are home, or just my mood.  I love working on large paintings, something I hadn’t done until a little over a year ago. 


This painting is at the top of our stairs.  It is of our kiddos and was one of the first larger paintings I did.


art, decor

spring cleaning!

I decided to put ALOT of originals in the shop today.  I’m hoping to clear a little space for some new things I have coming up.  Please go take a peek!




art, etsy

a measure of time

I recently finished up the third in a series of custom portraits that show this adorable little girl from infant to toddler and on.  I love all the details her mother wanted included that have special meaning to the family, from the big red mushroom in the first to the three balls she carries in her basket.


Oh, and some new prints just went up in the shop!


art, etsy

win a print!

Head over to the lovely babyccino site to win one of my prints!  Babyccino was started by four friends living in four different cities in Europe.  I love that their blog was started as a way to maintain their friendship, and love getting little peeks into the city each calls home .  We harbor the hope of one day living in Europe for a few month stint or so.  I would love the kids to have a greater perspective on the world, and I would love to visit family in Germany.   Someday, someday….


art, etsy, press


I have a new frame and canvas ready and waiting…love that feeling.  I was hoping to get a few new things up in the shop today, but I have a sick kiddo home, so we’ll see….


art, everyday

blue and cute

I just listed some new items in my shop.  I am just loving this frame, especially with the hare print.  Blue and red, one of my all time favorite color combos.


art, etsy

in progress

Today I’m working on some custom orders and playing around a bit with some new ideas…


art, creating

out and about

If you are in the Portland area, I am having a show this Saturday at Spoiled Rotten.  It’s a lovely little shop and they are celebrating a new location.  I will have examples of my portraits, prints available for purchase, along with some originals available for purchase.  I will be there from 1-4.  Please stop by and say hi!



view from the bay

If you live in the bay area, check out view from the bay tomorrow.  Liz, from Cool Mom Picks, will be on to share her picks for mother’s day.  My portrait paintings will be one of them!

art, press

pretty packaging

Here is how all my paintings leave to go to their happy homes. 



I recently bought this beautiful italian cotton ribbon here.  I love it, and there are also some lovely alphabet ribbons I may have to go back for…


art, etsy

art wall

This weekend I decided to fill the wall above the kids’ craft table with their artwork.  A little less ambitious than my original plan of framing small portrions of about 50 or so of their pieces, but I wasn’t quite that motivated.  Hey, atleast now I feel a little less guilty about the mass unorganized piles of  their  art.


art, decor, everyday

new portraits, new styles!

So much to share.  Well I finally updated my site with some new portraits.  First let me introduce my new portrait option, the ‘line portrait.’  These portraits came about through personal paintings I had been working on and decided to offer them as portraits.   I think these would make wonderful gifts for anyone, from new parents to your parents.  I’m thinking an old family portrait from your mother or fathers childhood, to your brother on his cool 70′s bike.   Just send me a snapshot and I create a painting based on the photograph.


 Also, I’ve added to my classic portrait line some ‘wallpaper portraits.’   I have a long, you could say love/hate relationship with wallpaper.  I swore after pulling the stuff off of nearly every wall in our house I would ‘never…ever’ subject future homeowners to this task.  Well, you know what they say about saying never.  I’ve recently become quite obsessed with it.  It’s found it’s way into some prints in my etsy shop and am contemplating putting it in our powder room.  But until I take the plunge, I’ve created these portraits.  I love them because they add just a bit of pattern and pop of color, without having to comitt to a whole room.   I would love to fill a wall with old portrait paintings, and think these would look quite at home there, particularly with the wonderful oval canvas they are offered on.


 Please take a peek and let me know what you think!


It is spring, right?

We woke up to snow this morning.  Very strange, indeed.  It would have been lovely in January, February even, but the end of March.  As we left the house this morning, Ian looked down and asked, “is this real snow?”  Yep…..

I put some new prints in the shop this week and will be adding more next week.  I’ve been in this really amazing work mode lately, I keep waiting for it to fall out from underneath me.  My dad gave me this giant canvas, something like 6′ by 3′ that he doesn’t need.  It is beautful and I can’t wait to dig in.

 Here are some upcoming and current prints:





art, etsy

drawing from the past

I started a new series of paintings that draw from old family photos.  I’ve been thinking more and more about the passage of time.  I think I wasn’t fully aware at how fast time passes until I had kids. Then you SEE it.  Documenting those firsts, marking their growth on the wall… Anyway here is one of the paintings I recently finished along with another vintage children’s book page print.  I will be adding these and several more to the shop this week.



art, etsy, inspiration