So much to share. Well I finally updated my site with some new portraits. First let me introduce my new portrait option, the ‘line portrait.’ These portraits came about through personal paintings I had been working on and decided to offer them as portraits. I think these would make wonderful gifts for anyone, from new parents to your parents. I’m thinking an old family portrait from your mother or fathers childhood, to your brother on his cool 70′s bike. Just send me a snapshot and I create a painting based on the photograph.
Also, I’ve added to my classic portrait line some ‘wallpaper portraits.’ I have a long, you could say love/hate relationship with wallpaper. I swore after pulling the stuff off of nearly every wall in our house I would ‘never…ever’ subject future homeowners to this task. Well, you know what they say about saying never. I’ve recently become quite obsessed with it. It’s found it’s way into some prints in my etsy shop and am contemplating putting it in our powder room. But until I take the plunge, I’ve created these portraits. I love them because they add just a bit of pattern and pop of color, without having to comitt to a whole room. I would love to fill a wall with old portrait paintings, and think these would look quite at home there, particularly with the wonderful oval canvas they are offered on.
Please take a peek and let me know what you think!