lovely tuesday

Oh, how happy I am you’re not Monday!  With the Monday blahs effectively shaken off, I am ready to go work on a new project I am so excited about.  Hopefully more to come soon!  I also finished the class project for my daughter’s class.  Each child phototransferred a portion of a large image of one of the Portland bridges.  They are now all pieced together and framed.  It turned out so nicely and it feels so good to have it checked off the to do list.  Here are some pictures of the finished pieces. 



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3 Responses to lovely tuesday

  1. paula 2009, February 24 at 2:16 pm #

    wow, this looks amazing! I just came across your blog and am loving it.

  2. Annie 2009, March 10 at 9:15 pm #

    This is gorgeous.

    I came across your blog from another blog when I was searching for art projects for kids…I would love to try this out in a class I teach! The color and the softness of the image came out beautifully. What kind of transfer technique is this? Do you use xeroxes and some other medium? If you could tell me a little about it I would be so grateful!

  3. Lisa 2009, March 11 at 9:13 am #

    This was a really great project to do with kids. We used color xeroxs and transferred the image using wintergreen oil. You can find wintergreen readily online and at many grocery stores and pharmacies. I found some at Whole Foods. Afer pouring the oil into a shallow pan, we layed the image face down, i learned this technique laying the image face up, but found laying it down gave us a more predictable result. Leave it for just a moment until the entire image is wet, then carefully pull out taking care not rub the image and lay face down onto the paper you’ve chosen to transfer the image to. Lay another paper on top and carefully rub accross the entire surface to help the transfer. Lift of the xerox and you have it! Enjoy!