
How was your weekend?  I have a love/hate relationship with Monday.  On one hand, the weekend is over, enough said.  On the other hand, the house is quiet and MINE for a whole six hours or so.

I added a few new paintings to the floodline, if you are interested and more will be going in as the week moves forward!




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2 Responses to Monday

  1. Sara 2012, January 26 at 3:07 am #

    I love your floodline paintings! ~ Sara

  2. Sara 2012, January 26 at 6:17 am #

    Yep, I’m not a big fan of Mondays too! I use my weekends to draw and paint as much as I can, but then I’m back to my (time-consuming) day job on Monday morning…Mondays are even harder when I don’t feel like I have achieved anything on the weekend, not produced any good art. Anyway, wanted to say I love your paintings, especially this floodline series. I’m curious to your process, how you make these. Will you share some secrets? ~ Sara