art in the home

There is a small tour (and interview) of art in our home today over at bloesom blog if you’d like to take a peek!


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3 Responses to art in the home

  1. alex wijnen 2011, June 13 at 6:40 pm #

    I love bloesem and I love your work so I was thrilled to see both combined into one ;) Your house (and art, of course) is gorgeous!

  2. Holly Mathis 2011, June 14 at 5:50 pm #

    i love your work..huge fan…i wanted to buy the monkey bars piece off of sebastian foster but it sold (and really didnt have cash) i soo hope you will make a print of it??????

  3. Lisa 2011, June 15 at 8:43 am #

    Alex, thank you!

    Holly, I have the print available in my etsy store here!