business cards

I’ve never really had business cards as such, instead always had postcards.   So, I finally decided to make some up.  There is definitely an advantage to them, small, portable, easy to always have tucked in my wallet/bag.  Here is what I came up with.  One side is clean and simple, my info.  The other side I adhered canvas printed with a section of one of my paintings.


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4 Responses to business cards

  1. Ninotchka 2010, November 30 at 3:51 pm #

    Clever! Love them.

  2. bliss 2010, December 1 at 6:00 am #

    wow. LOVE!

  3. Lisa 2010, December 1 at 5:49 pm #



  1. Business cards - 2011, November 15

    [...] had some extra business cards sitting around that I did this with last year that I wanted to try another little project with.  Since I ordered them blank on one [...]